Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm enjoying my Spring flowers.

The garden is very pleasant right now and everything is blooming early it seems. The fern leaf peony looks spectacular.
         Blue is my favorite color so I like the few blue flowers we have. Two kinds of forget me nots both Myosotis and Brunnera do well. I like the pink and blue planted next to each other too.
This is a sweet white allium whose name I'll have to look up. The pink flowers of the money plant have white flat translucent seed parts in the fall so it is also called silver dollar plant. Nice contrast of colors.
The sun was shining this morning so this picture toward the middle of our yard is bright but do admire the redbud and bluebells in the yard area we call the circle.

Check out the before picture of my herb garden before weeding, mulching, planting and growing. The garlic is growing toward the center back and on the left between the flagstone is the start of the lavender. In the left front is cat mint (nepeta) and most of the rest are weeds or volunteers of columbine and other stuff. I'll show other pictures as it grows.

Look at the wreath on our garage which I was going to freshen up for Spring. Guess what? A robin beat me to it and put a nest right on top. The new flowers will have to wait.

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